Information campaign in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic
Reliable sources of information
Where can we find information about the new virus SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19)?
In order to protect ourselves and our loved ones, it is very important to inform ourselves of official and reliable sources. Social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) can potentially spread false information and conspiracy theories. Today we will focus on the correct information regarding the new virus and where to find it.
Public institutions in Romania, Germany as well as the whole European Union are investing many resources in publishing information in Romanian regarding the Covid-19. After long research, we put together a couple of sources in Romanian as well as digital and phone counseling centers Romanians can reach out to and receive free counseling:
Initiatives we can support
Many of us are thinking these days about how we can contribute to the positive management of the pandemic. We do this by staying at home and respecting the rules of social distancing. In some cases, we can contribute directly, through our professional activities. There are many other initiatives we can support, either through donations or volunteering. Here you can read about a couple of options: