The instrument of orientation for voting (Wahl-o-Mat) and information campaign for the European Parliament Elections of 2019
On the 26th of May 2019, the European Parliament elections took place. It was an important moment for Romania and Europe, a new test of democracy after the National Parliamentary elections of 2016. These elections define whether Romania ( and its electorate) wishes to build a free, democratic, and just world. Participation in high numbers is essential; the Romanian diaspora played and still plays an important role in each election cycle.
In preparation for the elections, the DCB team has prepared a series of informative materials and activities, which can help guide the voter during these elections:
- An explanation of the administrative steps which have to be followed in order to vote outside of Romania:https://diasporacivica.com/alegerile-europarlamentare-din-…/;
- An instrument of orientation for voting, which will help you get an impression as to which party or political orientation is most aligned with your political views and beliefs: https://cucinevotez.eu/;
- These instruments are purely indicative; in order to gain a better insight into which political parties you match best with, we can recommend a similar instrument, created by the European Union – https://yourvotematters.eu/ro/ – and one created by CSD (Centrul pentru Studiul Democratiei) from the University Babeș-Bolyai in Cluj – http://www.votulmeu.com/#!/ – both complementary to our application.
- The first episode of the podcast ‘Connected Diaspora’, discussing the European election system and the importance of the candidates’ list. The podcast was realized together with Mihai Polițeanu from Inițiativa Oameni Noi: https://soundcloud.com/…/diaspora-conectata-episodul-1-init…
- Common initiatives to inform potential voters, together with our partners from Freie Ungarische Botschaft, Dziewuchy Berlin, Donnerstag Demo, and others: https://diasporacivica.com/announcement/life-work-activism/
- Information regarding the referendum taking place on the 26th of May, regarding the Romanian justice system.
You can find further information regarding our activities on our Facebook page.